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Jane Fonda on a Stanislaus river trip

Status: Live River
By: Don Briggs
Date: August 8, 1981

See the full story of this trip with actress Jane Fonda and a group of her husband’s colleagues here.

Kevin Wolf, who led this trip (Tessa Rouveral was also a guide), remembers:  “Tom Hayden, head of the Campaign for Economic Democracy and later a State Assemblymember, was Jane’s husband. He was attempting to fish but was surrounded by a group of young admirers. Jane came into our camp kitchen and asked if she could help. We were making fire baked lasagna. We said, sure, how about cutting the olives from the three cans we had ready. She washed her hands, sat down and joined the four guides who were preparing the evening dinner. She was as a down to earth and a wonderful addition to the guides’ discussion (only one other person on the trip joined us in cooking that dinner).  We spent a long time up the South Fork Stanislaus (shown in this photo). The South Fork was very poignant as it was easy to explain how much of the river we were swimming in and hiking up would be under water when the reservoir was filled.”

Keywords: Creek, Rafting, Swimming
Format: Photograph
Collection: Roy Tennant's Collection

Date uploaded: Dec 19, 2018
Date last modified: Feb 28, 2024