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Jerry Brown (the candidate for gov.) going down the river in 1974

Location: Camp 9 Put-in
Status: Live River
By: David Kay
Date: June 14, 1974

Jerry Brown preparing to go down the Stanislaus River in spring of 1974, when he was running for Governor and preparing to endorse Prop. 17, at the end of the trip. Larry Orman coordinated the trip and Jerry surprised him and others by insisting on going in the paddle boat – it was high water and he was slated to be in an oar boat, with the press around him in other boats. Jerry Meral, Rob Caughlan and an LA Times reporter came in the paddleboat which after one close call with a hole, made the trip just fine, and Jerry announced support of Prop. 17. His father, Pat Brown, came down a few weeks later.

Format: Photograph
Collection: David Kay's Collection
Rights: David Kay

Date uploaded: Nov 19, 2018
Date last modified: Aug 3, 2023