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Kayaking legend Carl Trost at Bailey Falls in 1989

Location: Bailey Falls Rapid
Status: Dead River
By: Nancy Dagle - photographer unknown
Date: September 23, 1989

Carl is on the right in this photo taken during a 700 cfs run when the reservoir was down in 1989.  From Nancy Dagle:  “Carl began kayaking in the early 1950’s in a foldboat with the Sierra Club’s San Francisco Bay Chapter River Touring Section (RTS). He always lived with his mother and talked about how he convinced her to go on “Sunday morning drives”. He used this as an excuse to scout rivers. As there were no river guide books at this time, this was how he found sections of rivers to run. He, along with Elsa Bailey, Monte Rowell, Gunter Hemmersbach, and other early boaters, provided the information for the early California boating books: “Sierra Whitewater” by Charles Martin and “West Coast River Touring” by Dick Schwind. Sierra Whitewater often lists who were the first people to run each stretch of river in its descriptions.”  Until “California Whitewater” by Jim Cassady and Fryar Calhoun  came out, these were THE guidebooks for rafters and kayakers alike. And, you could always tell Carl by his football helmet with faceguard – nice to have when you’re upside down near some rocks!

Keywords: Kayaking, River
Format: Photograph
Collection: Admin's Collection

Date uploaded: Aug 30, 2023
Date last modified: Aug 30, 2023