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Text and election report for Proposition 13, November 1982

Status: Live River
By: Ballotpedia
Date: November 2, 1982

California Proposition 13 was on the November 2, 1982 statewide general election ballot in California as an initiated state statute, where it was defeated. Proposition 13, if it had been approved, would have made significant changes to four parts of the California Water Code (the part of California’s state statutes that regulate water)Relative to the New Melones Reservoir, Proposition 13 would have restricted the amount of water that could be stored behind the Federal New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River and it would have attempted to revise the congressionally authorized pricing of water from the New Melones Project.

Keywords: Proposition 13
Format: Article
Collection: Admin's Collection

Date uploaded: Mar 8, 2023
Date last modified: Mar 8, 2023